2017/10/29 > 2017/10/30

I Vini del Piemonte at BiowinExpo

On October 29th-30th 2017 the consortium of promotion took part in the biggest Swiss fair dedicated to organic and biodynamic wines.

In order to increase and diversify the promotion in Switzerland, I Vini del Piemonte attended BiowinExpo, an exhibition completely dedicated to organic and biodynamic wines, that took place on October 29th and 30th 2017 at the Centre des Congrès of Montreux, on Lake Geneva Lake.

The event was open to the sector operators and to the consumers, who had access to a selection of over 300 wines, selected according to their qualities, and for the excellence of their organic and biodynamic method of production. The consortium of promotion joined the event with a delegation of Piedmontese organic certified wine producing companies or in advanced state of conversion.

The interest and consumption of organic products in Switzerland is constantly growing: the Swiss Confederation has, in fact, the world record of expenditure per capita in organic products. The awareness of said interest is at the base of the launch of BiowinExpo. The organizers, Daniela Re and Stephanie Eschler are also founder of Biowine, a renowned Swiss distributor of organic and biodynamic wines. Both the organizers are committed to the cause of a sustainable and long lasting development through the promotion of organic and biodynamic wines. With the launch of this event, they aimed at giving a greater prominence to this organic sector in expansion.

I Vini del Piemonte
Viale Torino 18, 12051 Alba (CN)
+39 329 2422511
CF / P Iva: 03348050042

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. UE n. 1308/2013
Campaign financed according to EU regulation no. 1308/2013

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